EMSCULPT is Reshaping the Buttocks

A new, first-of-its-kind technology offers a safe, non-invasive approach to buttock enhancement.

From pop stars to social media influencers, women with voluptuous bottoms have made their posterior curves a subject of envy. Today’s aesthetic practices and their patients have a new, non-invasive option to treat the buttocks: Emsculpt from BTL. Cosmetic surgeons like Dr. Halaas are embracing the technology both for its safety and for its impressive results. Emsculpt uses high frequency electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to reduce fat and increase muscle tone. “The great thing in the gluteal region is you can see a distinct improvement and the treatment itself is quite comfortable,” says Dr. Halaas. 

Emsculpt treatments for the buttocks are provided in half-hour sessions, administered two times per week for two weeks. The treatment itself feels like a massage, Dr. Halaas says. Patients can see an effect almost immediately, “but the real result is evident a couple weeks after,” she says. 

Emsculpt treatment can appeal to a wide range of individuals, and many are, indeed, good candidates for it. “Those patients that have been able to accomplish some good results going to the gym, but they want to go beyond, love this technology,” observes Dr. Busso. “It takes them to another level. Of course, patients that do not go to the gym will also benefit tremendously.” 

A benefit of Emsculpt treatment is that when patients see results they often are inspired to do more to promote their own fitness. “That complements what we do in the office, and definitely the results that we get are much better when the patient is highly motivated,” Dr. Busso notes. Many physicians have begun offering retreatment of buttocks or abdomen at six-month intervals. “When you offer that interval treatment it’s a little reminder to patients to maintain their lifestyle.” 

For Dr. Halaas, Emsculpt is a worthy addition to an aesthetics practice. “I recommend it,” she says. “I see this as a perfect complement, really expanding the market, and doing things that we just haven’t been able to do before. It’s really accomplishing something that people want and haven’t been able to do before.” Dr. Halaas also notes that she is looking forward to additional future applications for the device. 

If you’re ready to transform your buttocks and achieve that sculpted look you’ve always wanted, Emsculpt at Anaya Aesthetics in Bali is the perfect solution. Say goodbye to endless hours at the gym and embrace the future of body contouring. Experience the revolutionary Emsculpt treatment and discover a more confident, uplifted you!

Remember, consultations with the professionals at Anaya Aesthetics will help determine if Emsculpt is the right treatment for you. Take the first step towards your body goals today and let Emsculpt reshape your buttocks to perfection!